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Thursday, September 25, 2008

So I was just thinking about how much the Lord helps us. Yesterday, I woke up and looked at my schedule for the day. 2 Papers due, one of which I hadn't started. A music theory assignment, 2 hours of oboe practice to get in, a Sight Singing Test and eight hours of classes, one of which I was supose to perform an Oboe Solo in. I thought, there is no way you can do all of this today. It's just not going to happen. I prayed for the Lords help, well, more like pleaded for it. Then set about the day. It was amazing how everything fell into place. I finished my test just in time to do some homework before my first class and my second class started 10 minutes late giving me time to finish the homework. I wrote the paper in an hour and a half and then spend 1/2 hr practicing. After classes practiced more, and everything worked out. Heavenly Father was there helping me stay calmed and focousd throught the whole day. I realize that in terms of eternity and importance, my worries about a busy day were nothing. But for me, I was really concerned about everything. Heavenly Father, although busy with helping everyone else in the world, listening to prayers and helping those with real seriouse problems and life and death situations, still found the time and ability to help me. It just reminds me of how much he truly does love each one of us. He really does care and will help us with everything we need. I love him so much and am so thankful for all he has done for me. I just wanted to say that. :D

1 comment:

RJ said...

I agree. I like how my insignificant things in my life are still important to Him.