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Monday, September 22, 2008

Symbols in the Temple

Many times we encounter symbols. They are everywhere in the world. But most importantly, and often mysteriously, symbols exist in the church. The sacrament shows Christ's death and resurrection. The cloth on the sacrament table represents His victory over temporal existence. The hierarchy of church leadership shows that order is maintained and constantly checking each other. There is an order in all things--all things temporally, all things spiritually, all things eternally, and all things in God's wisdom.

In the temple we have the chance to see and experience extraordinary things. Ordinances and covenants made in the temple are sacred. They are sacred because they deal with personal progress and eternal existence. The temple is full of symbolic things with symbolic meanings. Many of these can be connected with stories and scriptures we already know, such as the Tree of Life and the temple during Moses's time.

Going to the temple over and over may seem like nothing new is gained. Everything is the same and you do and hear the same things each time. But no matter the time, you can always learn something new. If you go but don't understand the symbols, then examine your life. Most often you are doing the best you can. (You have a temple recommend, and that already shows your worthiness and willingness to learn and progress to exaltation.) Keep doing what you have always been taught. Pay your tithing, go to church, magnify your church calling, sustain and uphold church leaders, honor your family, and enjoy life. But most of all--pray, read the scriptures, and be patient. The scriptures are packed full of explanations and descriptions of symbols.

Why does God teach in symbols? Why did Christ teach in parables? Almost always, you must think and study to understand the meaning of the symbol or parable. It is not always black and white, but gray. However, the meanings become glaringly black and white once you understand the message. These methods of teachings reiterate the fact of God's love and mercy for his children. He does not give us more than we are able to comprehend. Thus, that is why some people get more out of church meetings, scriptures study, and temple attendance. The deeper meaning is there for when God knows--in his wisdom and timing-- the time is best for you. But just because you don't understand Isaiah or particular symbols does not mean it is worthless or you are foolish. It only means that the stage of your progression is such that you will learn different things at different times. Be prepared at all times with an open mind and open heart. There will come times when an epiphany strikes--even if you've heard, read, or seen the same thing numerous times. Allow the Holy Ghost to teach you, and again, be patient.

The temple is a wonderful sanctuary for mortals. It is where we learn how to become like God and how we can live with our families forever, even after death. No matter where you are, first learn the literal symbols. Then, through study, learn the symbolic symbols. In turn you will gain confidence, wisdom, patience, compassion, and self-confidence while learning about God and yourself.

--from pi.rg.9.22.08.reliA211

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